Join VCC

If you’re a cooperative, association or individual who works with cooperatives and believe they offer a better solution when it comes to doing business, VCC invites you to join our cooperative community!

Dues for Virginia-based cooperatives are based on size, ranging from $75 to $1,750 per year. Associate dues are $75 for an organization and $25 for individuals. Please use the Co-op Dues Schedule and Payment Form to determine the exact amount and make payment, or the Individual Membership Form  if you are a retired co-op employee, student or other individual wishing to join.

Membership qualifications, as stated in the VCC bylaws:


Section 2: Qualifications of Cooperative Members

“Any incorporated cooperative agricultural marketing, bargaining, purchasing or farm business service association including rural electric cooperatives duly incorporated and operation under the Electric Cooperatives Act of 1936, telephone cooperatives, Farm Credit Associations incorporated under the provisions of the Farm Credit Act, and any other incorporated association serving members which is owned or controlled by those members and transacts business in Virginia on cooperative principles, shall be eligible for Cooperatives Membership in the Council. Any Cooperatives member having separate branch operations in Virginia that desires to include such branches or separate associations may do so by paying dues in accordance with the established schedule on the volume of each such branch, in which event each such branch shall entitled to its own delegates and vote at all meeting of members.”

Section 7: Associate Memberships

“Any individual, general rural/farmers’ organization or other public or semi-public office or agency sympathetic to the success of rural business cooperatives and operating in the State of Virginia may apply for Associate membership in the council by tendering an Application to the Executive Secretary of the council.”

For more information about membership, please contact the Council’s Executive Secretary 

Annual Dues

All Purchasing, Processing and Non-processing Cooperatives

Based on dollar volume with a maximum of $1,750.00

Farm Credit

Assessment $8.85 per million dollars of outstanding loans at the end of their last fiscal year

Maximum $1,750.00

Rural Electric and Rural Telephone Cooperatives

Assessment 2.215 cent per member at end of their last fiscal year.

Minimum $75.00 – Maximum $1,750.00

Artificial Breeding / Associations of Electric Cooperatives / Mutual Fire Insurance Company / Breed and Livestock improvement / All other Associations eligible for Cooperative Membership

Assessment shall be 1.52 cent per member at close of the last fiscal year.

Minimum $75.00 – Maximum $250.00

Associate Membership Dues

$75.00 for an Organization

$25.00 for an Individual